
leadership development & Mentoring  Are Your Leaders Developing Their Successors ?

Our assessments at The Kabachnick Group can offer clarity and direction to your employess and your organization.


Are your leaders developing their successors?

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.

Talent is abundant in most companies, yet most companies don’t leverage that talent to develop the next generation of productive managers and leaders.

Here’s what we’ve discovered:

  • 71% of Fortune 500 companies have a mentoring program.
  • 96% of Fortune 500 executives said mentoring was an important employee development tool. 75% said it played a key role in their personal career success.
  • Managerial productivity increased by 88% when mentoring was involved, vs. only a 24% increase with training alone.



We find that organizations need direction and guidance. It’s not as simple as showing up at someone’s cubicle or office and saying, “Hey, would you like me to mentor you?”

Talent Ready…Talent First™ Effective leadership depends on a mixture of capacities including interpersonal skills, listening, courage, trust, visioning, and good communication. Our highly effective leadership development process prepares leaders to:

  • Tailor their leadership style to the individual
  • Make themselves more accessible and keep commitments to employees
  • Relate to people as people, not just as projects
  • Actively listen to understand a person’s goals and concerns
  • Provide meaningful feedback
  • Build high performing teams and encourage collaboration
  • Give praise, recognition, encouragement, and approval
  • Work with differences in communication, thinking, and problem solving styles

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