
Posts for Category: Employee Retention

Retaining/Developing Talent

Posted on: March 18th, 2014

“No company can expect to beat the competition unless it has the best human capital and promotes these people to pivotal positions.”
– Lawrence A. Bossidy, Chairman, Honeywell and Co-Author “Execution-The Discipline of Getting Things Done.

We believe the differentiating factor in an organization and what positions it for success – with customers and employees – is how that company utilizes internal talent and resources. By focusing on individual developmental needs an organization positions itself as an employer of choice dedicated to and focused on results through people. This focus results in a more motivated, productive, and loyal workforce – and provides the building blocks for successful succession planning.

Retention… At What Cost?

Posted on: January 9th, 2012

I’m noticing a perilous situation in businesses. Employers are apprehensive of calling people to task and holding them accountable, even fearful of reprimanding poor performance. Managers are frequently ignoring behaviors, which in the past would be deemed unacceptable. As a result, employees are sensing they can “get away with things”. This is a result of the growing problem of talent shortage.

Here are some interesting discoveries from our recent research on employee engagement:

  • 92% say their company does not deal with poor performers
  • 44% leave their jobs due to co-workers disengagement


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