
Posts for Category: Select Right Talent

Define and Align

Posted on: May 14th, 2014

By defining a job properly, you can align it with the right people for it during the employee recruiting process.  The Define & Align process comprises five phases:

  1. Discover (clarify job structure/limitations, identify those who have a stake in the job, and get their feedback).
  2. Design and Implement (analyze feedback and gain consensus on key accountabilities).
  3. Deliver (develop and validate job benchmark).
  4. Support and Reinforce (provide ongoing support and standards for feedback).
  5. Measure (review results of selection process and identify necessary updates).

“Hard work often leads to success. No work seldom does.”
– Harvey Mackay

Firing is a Favor

Posted on: July 7th, 2013

If you make the wrong decision in hiring, recognize it early and deal with it. 

  1. Do the person a favor—show them how to face the fact that the match is simply not there.  
  2. Do other employees a favor—they usually know before you that a co-worker is not working out.  
  3. Do yourself a favor—extra time you spend trying in vain to improve performance is costly.  
  4. Do your customers a favor—unhappy employees do not deliver service excellence.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
– Aesop’s Fables

Being A Fit for the Job…Why Whales Don’t Walk

Posted on: September 9th, 2012

Ask yourself, “How much expense and aggravation could I save by matching people with jobs that fit naturally? How much job satisfaction, productivity and customer satisfaction could we gain?” Every prospective employee is unique, and every company’s culture is distinct and unique as well. Therefore, it just makes sense that every organization should have a template of the latter, a profile of the former, and a method for matching the two.

Several things happen when you hire a person for a job that matches his natural behavior.

  1. The person instinctively focuses on completing the job. 
  2. He enjoys doing the job. 
  3. He influences others to do a better job.

When the behavior required for the job does not match the natural behavior of the employee, the person expends a great deal of energy trying to adjust his behavior to fit the needs of the job. A poor job fit requires the employee to operate on a battery pack that needs constant recharging, but a good fit gives you an employee who is always “plugged in” – receiving continuous energy flow. The stress of “charging up” unnatural behaviors can result in illness, behavioral problems or drug/alcohol abuse, all of which increase benefit costs and absenteeism, let alone decrease service quality and productivity.

So, how well do you really understand the individual behavior of your direct reports? How do you approach the people you must encourage, develop, teach and coach while ensuring productivity and top performance? I have found that assessments often reveal marked differences between what a manager thinks is true versus what is actually true. As human beings, we cannot avoid bringing our personal biases, opinions, and preferences to the workplace. We make comparisons and judgments based on our own values and behavior. This is why managers who rely on validated assessments are better able to retain engaged talent at far higher percentages than managers who rely solely on their instincts.

During the past 14 years, I have successfully used a particular survey process in hundreds of companies – one that identifies the critical factors that contribute to superior job performance. The key to individual excellence lies in the combination of behaviors, values and personal attributes. This assessment provides a clear reading on how a person does what they do, why they do what they do, and whether they will do what they say they can do.

Each individual is a key factor in the success of an organization. Each individual has a unique way of working. Each individual, placed in the right job with the right guidance, possesses incredible potential. But each person does not necessarily want to be a hard -driving, winner-takes-all player. Unfortunately, players that are consistent, loyal and quietly helpful to others are often overlooked for promotions or exciting projects. Managers who prefer assertive, energetic or outgoing people rarely select these supportive doers as team leaders. This is wrong and unfair. It is also limiting for the team’s overall potential.

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